The Share Meals application is a tri-institutional effort dedicated to ensuring all college students are food secure. By activating this powerful resource, the Auraria campus will strengthen it's community by empowering it's event organizers to reduce food waste by sharing left over food with students, faculty, staff, and community members. In addition to ending college hunger, the app will also connect folks to networks of valuable community resources.
Event organizer has left over food after the event is over. They post a time and meal quantity on the app.
Community resources regularly offers free food, personal care products, and other personal health needs. They post their organization on the app.

Campus community member sees post after class and goes to pick up take home meal from event.
Campus community member finds organization at any time throughout the day and stops by during their posted business hours.
Students must verify their university email address before using the app. They also can only interact with other students at their university.
All communication is done through the app, with students’ email being hidden. Information like name, major, and profile photo are optional.
As soon as a student shares a meal swipe or posts extra food, all other students on the app receive a push notification alerting them. Also, at any time, students can view a real time map with all shares and posts.
Students who experience food insecurity are also susceptible to social isolation. By encouraging students to meet together over a good meal, the Share Meals app helps to restore their feeling of community.
Only want students to be able to share swipes? Or only want students to post extra food? The Share Meals app can dynamically enable / disable features
based on your needs.
Join us in our fight against hunger and food waste on campus by using the Share Meals app! Sign up to see which events around campus have food that will be available to community members. You can find free food nearby through Share Meals; see how much is available and how long it’s up for grabs. The app also has a list of centers across campus where students can find free food, personal care items, and other helpful resources. Sign up today by downloading the app on your phone or by using the web version!