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Brand Guide

Represent the ASCP!

Want us to create content for you to share or access to something we've already made?


Fill out this form to request any graphics or content you would like from our team! Please specify details and dates. Try to request all content one month before it is needed, however, we will accept requests a minimum of two weeks ahead of time.


The ASCP logo consists of specific hues of yellow, green, blue, and gray. Accurate reproduction of these colors is critical to maintaining a consistent brand image. Additional colors may be used for marketing materials, but they must appropriately compliment the primary color palette.

Hex: #FF6C00

RGB: 225, 198, 0
HSB: 47, 100, 100
CMYK: 0, 23, 100, 0
Hex: #008F74

RGB: 0, 143, 116
HSB: 169, 100, 56
CMYK: 100, 17, 69, 3
Hex: #00B451

RGB: 0, 180, 81
HSB: 147, 100, 71
CMYK: 91, 0, 97, 0
Hex: #00B2E3

RGB: 0, 178, 227
HSB: 193, 100, 89
CMYK: 81, 4, 5, 0
Hex: #939598

RGB: 147, 149, 152
HSB: 216, 3, 60
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 50
Hex: #414042

RGB: 65, 64, 66
HSB: 270, 3, 26
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 90


The logo must be shown at a size of 0.5" inches (36 pt font) or larger. There must always be space around the logo and other graphics or text the size of one droplet, as shown below.


Waterdrop Guideline

Do not manipulate the shape or colors of any logo. To find a logo variation that fits your content best, click on one of the options below.




Raleway is our primary font and should be used whenever possible. When it cannot be used, Arial is also acceptable. 

Make text easy to read by using left-aligned text and bold text to enhance contrast. To ensure accessibility, please test the contrast of text to background color using an online contrast checker.


Contact us to answer any additional questions you may have about our branding guide.

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