About the free store
The ASCP Free Store is a program that was spearheaded by the waste diversion team in the Spring of 2021. The Free Store helps divert items from the landfill, giving them a second life and making them accessible to the Auraria campus community. Store items include feminine and masculine clothing items of all kinds, shoes, school supplies, furniture, and more! Store hours run Monday through Thursday between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Visit the ASCP office, located in the Tivoli Student Union in 346, today!
What is "fast fashion"?
“Fast” fashion: retailers mass-produce clothing quickly riding waves of trends and discarding product no longer in season.
Quick facts:
62 million metric tons of apparel consumed globally
80 billion pieces of clothing purchased each year
$1.2 trillion annually in the global fashion industry

Environmental Impacts
Public health issues
Hazardous conditions for people living in proximity to manufacturing facilities
Human reliance on microplastics
Environmental issues
Dyes, microplastics in local water systems
Water ecosystems in danger, more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050
Ozone layer destruction (N20 is highly concentrated!)
Labor rights
Work conditions
Fair compensation
Dangerous chemicals are hazardous to workers
More on water...
10,000 liters of water are needed to produce one kg of cotton; 3,000 liters of water for 1 cotton shirt
Textile dyes (contain toxic chemicals) accumulate to 20% of the worldwide wastewater (hazardous, untreatable)
35% of all microplastics from synthetic materials; low quality, low price material, more carbon emissions than cotton
Microplastic creates a toxic substance than harms marine ecosystems
57% of all discarded clothing ends up in landfill; incineration process causes public health and environmental dangers to people in nearby communities
With industry continuation, an increase of 50% in greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade
How can I help?
Explore alternatives to fashion: thrifting, buy second-hand, upcycle, slow fashion practices
When doing laundry, wash full loads to help save on water. Limit washes to extend the lifespan of your clothes!
Mindful consumption (fast fashion brands awareness, background research into brands)
Toxic materials and possible alternatives:
Petroleum-based synthetic materials:
Material alternatives:
Organic cotton
Recycled polyester (energy-intensive to create)
Cellulosic fiber! (99% less water production cost than cotton, biodegradable, less dye
The ASCP Free Store accepts donations on a rolling basis throughout the academic year. Drop by the ASCP office, located in Tivoli 346, between 10am and 3pm Monday-Thursday or locate the donation box outside our office.
Accepted items:
Clean, wearable clothing (for any age, any gender, any size)
Shoes in good condition
School supplies
Household goods
Clean, functional kitchenware
Sports equipment
NOT Accepted items:
Broken, stained, ripped, or unusable items
Pillows and down comforters
Stuffed animals
Bathing suit bottoms
Employee/staff clothing