ASCP Advisory Committee
Student engagement is a critical piece to the success of the ASCP, and one way interested students can participate in the ideation and proposal process of sustainability initiatives is to join our Advisory Committee. A sub-committee of the Student Advisory Committee to the Auraria Board (SACAB), the ASCPAC plays an active role in evaluating the feasibility and projected environmental impacts of various sustainability projects before implementation. This group has the opportunity to gain experience in public speaking, group decision making, and proposal writing.
Our committee, while open to whomever is interested, officially holds 4 total student representatives. These students represent each school and one serves in a Chair position and is appointed by SACAB. If you are interested in helping the ASCP decide what environmental projects are most important and impactful for students, please contact us to learn more!

From water bottle filling stations to bike shelters to solar arrays, there have been many successful projects that began as an idea initiated by a student. While we are not able to pursue all projects, we encourage any interested students to stop by and learn about what we are currently doing and what is to come moving forward.