The Auraria Sustainable Campus Program (ASCP) started as a student-led initiative that was voted into creation by the student body with an overwhelming majority (95%) in 2007.
In 2016, the students of all three institutions on the Auraria Campus voted overwhelmingly in favor of permanently funding the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program, thereby establishing the ASCP as the driving force behind campus-wide sustainability efforts! With a long history of successful projects, we will continue to focus on high-impact proposals that bring significant benefit to the environment, students, and campus.

Our projects focus on seven different areas of sustainability:
Alternative Transportation, Education and Outreach, Energy Efficiency, Food and Gardens, Renewable
Energy, Water Conservation, and Waste Diversion. All of these categories and projects continue to lead us toward our goals of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, educating the student body about sustainability issues, and conserving our resources on the Auraria Campus.