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2019 Annual Waste Report


Check out the 2019 Annual Waste Report on our Reports page!

When comparing the waste streams between 2018 and 2019, the ASCP has some great news! In 2019 we had a lower amount of landfilled waste, higher amount of recycling, and higher amount of compost. This has resulted in an increased diversion rate for 2019. Our diversion rate is the percentage of our waste that is recycled added to the percentage of our waste that is composted. This past year, we brought our average diversion rate up from 18.2% to 19.3%!

Did you know that when you divert your waste from the landfill through composting or recycling, you avoid greenhouse gas emissions? In 2019, we avoided 939,690 lbs of GHGs! For a comparison, that is equal to…

  • 1,722,064 lbs of coal being burned

  • 2,041 Acres of forest sequestering and storing carbon through photosynthesis

  • 3,878,080 miles driven by an average passenger vehicle in carbon emissions

We officially launched our Event Composting program in the fall semester and as a result added 693 lbs of Compost! There was a total of 15 events that participated. The CU Denver Convocation and the CU Denver Block Party combined for a total of 449 lbs of compost.

We set a waste diversion goal of 35% by 2022. At the end of 2019, we had a diversion rate of 21.31%!



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