The morning started out with some grey clouds so we considered moving the event inside, but the weather changed as we were setting up and left us with a beautiful blue sky day.
Bikes Together, a local non-profit organization was there talking with students about their volunteer program, “Earn- A- Bike”. This program is a great opportunity for students who don’t have a bike to get involved in the community and earn a bike to reduce their carbon footprint! Hooray for clean air!
Shout out to Outdoor Pursuits for helping students with any bike issues or general bike questions at the fix-it station; seven bikes were serviced that day. We also had a graduate student from CU Denver who was conducting a survey about alternative transportation.
Auraria Campus Police registered bikes for students. We (the ASCP) also had giveaways including a heavy duty bike U- lock, lights, a bike specific multi-tool, as well as several seat covers. We provided lots of resources like bike maps, bike safety tips, and rules for the road.
At the event the ASCP asked students “How did you get to campus today?” Bus and Light Rail tied for the top spot, indicating enthusiasm for public transportation. Bicycling took the next spot followed in descending order by Car, Car Pooling, and Walking. A few “others” including skate boards and other non-traditional modes of transportation brought up the rear.
In case we missed you, B-Cycle is offering a free Flex Pass for the Auraria campus. The Flex Pass gives you access to the system for 365 days and then pay just $3.00 per every 30 minutes. Just go to DenverBcycle.com , click Sign Up and create your profile. Use promo code Aura18 and enter your credit card information. Flex Pass promo code is valid until 12/31/2018 and is good for new and renewing members.
All in all it was a great day helping students improve their bike knowledge. Talking shop about bikes and the importance of choosing alternative transportation options that can reduce emissions is a win-win for everyone. The ASCP is looking forward to bringing the bike event back next year.