This academic year, the Auraria Sustainable Campus Program wanted to create a series of "Did You Know" or "DYK" graphics that related to our pillars. Each month, the pillar chosen has a corresponding DYK Graphic.
Want to participate in a sustainable week? Try and follow the call to action for each graphic during Earth Week! Here are some of our favorites graphics from this year:

Education & Outreach
This DYK highlighted the importance of pollution exposure. Often, those who generate pollution never actually experience it and it's those on the front lines who take the brunt.
Check out the Regional Air Quality Council for their efforts in addressing air quality across the front range. You can also do your part and take actionable steps here by following along with Simple Steps. Better Air.! Here's a few recommended tips:
(Start with fewer car trips (bike, walk, take public transit, pack a lunch, shop online)
Combine car trips (establish an errand time or day)
Combine passengers on trips (carpool, vanpool)
Take public transportation (bus, lightrail)
Energize your ride (drive an electric vehicle, hybrid or fuel-efficient car)
Take steps at home (choose low VOC products, mow in the evening, use electric lawn/garden tools)
Challenge yourself (refuel car in the evening, stop at first click when refueling, keep your car well-maintained)

Renewable Energy
Believe it or not, there are actually quite a few programs available to those searching for solar use! We summarized a fair amount of the options available here in this post, but to summarize, check out your utility provider for programs and options!
In addition to third party solar farms or companies connecting solar farms to users, solar co-ops are great ways to get solar into the hands of the people.

Energy Efficiency
On campus, we've done some major lighting upgrades to our PED lighting. Because of that, we're reaping the benefits in dollars saved and energy conserved. You can also participate in this energy conservation by looking into LED lighting!
Utility providers like Xcel energy have it in their best interest to make homes as efficient as possible, which is why programs like the Home Energy Squad exist! A team can come to your home and help replace old light bulbs with energy efficient ones while also upgrading some other things around the house too.

Alternative Transportation
In celebration of the new bike shelters built on campus, we wanted to make sure every commuter knew about them! Free to access with a valid campus ID, these well lit, covered, and safe enclosure keep your bike locked up when you're on campus.
You can learn how to access those bike shelters by checking out our Bike Guide!

Waste Diversion
The holidays can be a time of awesome celebration, but also a lot of waste generation. Knowing the impact an individual can have on waste production, it's wise to try and monitor how much you produce! You can cut down on waste simply be following those three R's, or by refusing things outright!
Interested in getting a reusable water bottle or bambooware, get in touch with us!
We hope this quick refresher can give you some ideas on what you can do to be more sustainable during Earth Week!