Our October focus is on renewable energy and we wanted to highlight one of the greatest sustainability additions to the Auraria Campus! Did you know? The Auraria Sustainable Campus Program in partnership with Namasté Solar installed the largest single rooftop array in Denver last year, and the results are in!

Since our Solarbration last year, the 2,106 panel and 779 kW array has diverted over 1.03 million pounds of carbon dioxide equivalents from the atmosphere! This is a huge benefit in the ASCP's ongoing effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Auraria Campus.
Are you interested in learning how to use the power of renewables where you live? Good news! There's plenty of options that you may be able to use! Xcel Energy has a number of programs for increasing your use of renewables. They also have a great list of third party Solar Gardens broken down by county! Another option is Arcadia which connects you with local solar operations bringing renewables into your home! Our Sustainability Officer, Chris Herr, uses this service himself!
Solar United Neighbors also has community solar options through their solar co-ops! The Denver Solar Co-op is open to new members looking to join and take advantage of solar!